It was a nice sunny morning in Copenhagen, I was residing in the beautiful Christianshavn and went out to get a pain au chocolate and a coffee to kick the day into gear, before going over the bridge to the city, to seek out a nice lunch before Copenhell started to call, where my goal […]
DISGRAVED interview
I found out about the existence of DISGRAVED when I had to do a review of their first demo, the two tracker “Demo 2013”. Â After a couple of listens, hot damns and this is quite cool, I believed the band to be Swedish, until I started to dig a bit on the interwebs. The band […]
BLACK WITCHERY – ‘Unholy Blasphemies’
When speaking of Gene Palubicki, here’s a slaying snippet of MORBID ANGEL’s ‘Unholy Blasphemies’ performed by BLACK WITCHERY, and guess who’s doing the solos? [youtube=]
ARES KINGDOM – “Incendiary”
Ares Kingdom – Incendiary (Nuclear War Now! Productions 2010) I don’t really recall when I got into ARES KINGDOM. I have been a huge fan of ORDER FROM CHAOS since I first laid ears upon them many many years ago. The mighty Chuck Keller knows his way around obscure and thrashy riffing that latches on, […]
ALGEBRA – “Polymorph”
ALGEBRA – Polymorph (Self released 2012) If you thought good old Thrash Metal was dead, ALGEBRA is here to prove you otherwise, just put on the album and ‘bang your way through the first track, the SLAYER infused ‘S.O.B.’ and indulge in the insane ‘Angel Of Death’ inspired riffs, pure intensity and frenetic moshing of […]